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King (A Night Fire Novel Book 6)
King (A Night Fire Novel Book 6) Read online
The Night Fire Series
Book 6
By TM Watkins
Copyright 2018 TM Watkins
Copyright © 2018 TM WATKINS
This book is a work of fiction. The names of characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are not to be interpreted as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locals or organizations is entirely coincidental. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without the written permission from the author.
If you wish to contact the author, please visit: http://www.tm-watkins.com
All rights reserved.
~To my wonderful fans and followers,
thank you for your love and support~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The Night Fire Series
About the Author
Chapter 1
Light flashed around the darkened room, over the empty bed, and across the carpet. A subdued sigh escaped as the flashlight showed the broken lamp, alcohol bottles and turned over furniture.
“Mister Andrews.”
The soft male voice called out as he prodded the half-naked man asleep on the lounge. Asleep? No, more like passed out. The young man poked the woman that was laying on the sleeping Curtis Andrews.
“Young lady, wake up.”
“Mom?” She asked sleepily as she lifted her body up.
“Do I sound like a woman? Get up and find your things. Time for you to go back to wherever it is you came from.”
He wandered over to the small entry of the hotel room, reaching out to the light switch.
“I am about to turn the lights on, please cover your eyes if you do not wish to be blinded.”
The lights went on, and the woman squinted, sitting up in the lounge. She looked to the doorway where the man in a suit was standing, smiling smugly at her.
“Get your things, unless you'd like me to throw you out the door without them.”
The unknown female scowled and searched for her things as the man crossed the room. Last night she’d bombed out, picking the wrong band member. Instead of getting laid by the gorgeous drummer, she’d sat in his hotel room, watching television and drinking. A lot. She narrowed her gaze at the hungover drummer, thinking that she'd never seen someone drink like he had last night. It might have been the reason that nothing happened. No matter how much she’d tried, she never got anywhere with him.
“Mister Andrews, you need to get up. Your plane is leaving in an hour.”
“Plenty of time.” He groaned as he rolled over.
With a heavy sigh, he pressed the bridge of his nose and tried to find his happy place. It was definitely not in a hotel room in New York, trying to wake a drunken rock star while ridding him of the pestilence known as a groupie.
And this was just the start of his morning. He still had to get the other four ready. There were five band members in Night Fire, a hard rock band that was at the beginning of their careers. Sam agreed with the world, these guys were good at what they did, they had perfection in their music and deserved every kudos they had ever received.
Waking them after an all-night bender was difficult. Last night was the kickoff party to their world tour, last night they had partied really hard. They had come back to the hotel for their own private party, continuing on with a few lucky ladies. Or maybe not so fortunate, not when he had to kick all of them out.
It was one of his many duties. Make sure they arrive at their destination on time, make sure that anyone that is unnecessarily hanging around is gotten rid of. Keep them as safe as possible without being a hindrance. Get them what they want so long as it doesn't hurt them too much. That one was a little vague in his opinion. They drank until they were passed out which wasn't safe in his opinion. Management did not like the fact that they drank so heavily, but all efforts to slow it or stop it were pointless. They were young and did as they pleased.
But still, he had a job to do. And right now, it was getting five rock stars up, dressed, bags packed and into the waiting limousine so that they could be driven to the airport.
Working by his motto, he started with the easiest. That was Curtis Andrews, the drummer. Once he was awake and actually doing something, it was safe to leave him on his own to continue on.
He looked down at the athletic frame that was covered in tattoos, the brown hair was messed up and looked a little wet too. That could be any number of things.
“Mister Andrews, there is not plenty of time. We still have to drive to the airport, and you haven't packed your bag.”
“Your job.” He grumbled.
“I am afraid that it is not my job to pack your bag. It is my job to ensure that you make it to the airport on time and that you are safely ensconced in the jet before the door is shut.”
Curtis rolled over and lifted his upper body off the lounge. With bleary eyes, he looked around the room and in particular to the pretty brunette.
“She can pack my bag, what's your name?”
“Kate.” She said rather affronted.
“No, she cannot, she is leaving.”
He gestured to the door and walked to it, holding it open for her as she stumbled out. The tiny skirt and top were on, it was sufficient. As for the sky-high pumps and the ridiculous bag, they would have to be carried. Something crossed his mind as he looked at the trashy bag.
“Darling, a moment.”
The bag was taken from her and rifled through, searching for anything that belonged to Curtis. With nothing found he then searched through her phone and deleted his cell number and the photos. He looked at the young woman and thought that she might know more than she let on, so he did a factory reset on her phone and ensured there would be no issues in his future.
The photos weren't that bad, there weren't any that were pornographic for which he was grateful. It was entirely possible that there would be some brainiac out there that would know how to get around a factory reset. Or that maybe she'd put something out there on social media.
His eyes narrowed as he returned the phone to her trashy bag. Sam hated social media.
“There you go darling, thanks for stopping by.”
The woman snatched her bag from his hands and stomped down the hotel corridor. With her in the elevator and off the locked floor, he returned to Curtis who was still on the lounge.
“Mister Andrews, please get up. If you do, I'll have a Bloody Mary waiting for you on the jet.”
“A real one and not the virgin shit you tried to give me last week?”
With much relief, he watched as Curtis rolled over and sat up.
“Okay, up we go.”
He lifted the brute to his feet, almost being crushed under the weight. For all that the man was only twenty, he was a big boy.
“Dude, I can get up.” Curtis groaned. “Stop coping a feel.”
“I am not gay Mister Andrews, I don't know how many times I need to tell you that. And I have a name, it is not
dude it's Samuel Easton. You have a few choices, you can call me Sam or Samuel even Mister Easton if you want to be formal but not dude. Now if you please.”
Sam gestured to the bathroom and waited as Curtis lumbered across the room. With the door shut and the sound of water running in the shower, Sam knew it was safe to walk away.
“One down, four to go.” He muttered, leaving the room.
As the door clicked closed another opened, the bright and happy face of his boss Jerry greeting him.
“Good morning Sam, is Curtis moving around?”
“Yes, sir, first one down and moving onto Mister Newton.”
“Excellent. I'll be in the lobby finalizing the account.”
Jerry looked at Sam's face, seeing the hesitation.
“How bad Sam?”
“I've only checked on Mister Andrews sir, broken lamp, and alcohol bottles. Furniture in disarray and the carpet was rather squelchy.”
Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and then opened his eyes again, nodding at Sam.
“Alright, I will warn them. If you could keep a mental list and notify me, I'd be grateful.”
“Of course, sir.”
Sam turned up the corridor to the next room as Jerry dragged his bags to the elevator.
The next room along was Fraser Newton, the bass player. If Sam had ever thought that Curtis was an oversized brute then he was wrong, Fraser was. Sam looked rather small by comparison.
He knocked on the door and waited, as was the routine. Give them time to get up and answer it, just in case they were doing something that he didn't want to see.
It could be any number of things. Fornicating with a woman, or several. Fornicating with themselves. Walking around naked. Using the facilities. Sam did not want to see any of them doing any of those things.
He knocked on the door again, this time calling out to him.
“Mister Newton.”
Trying for the third time, he thumped a little heavier and called a little louder. The door slowly opened, and a tired woman answered the door.
“Yeah?” She said groggily.
“Oh, hello darling,” Sam said as he pushed past her and through the door.
“Hey, you can't come in here.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Of course I can, darling, I'm Mister Newton's assistant. And now it's time for you to get dressed.”
He picked up the glittering gold dress and handed it to the woman wrapped in the bed sheet.
“Hurry now, or I'll kick you out without the sheet. It belongs to the hotel, didn't you know?”
Her eyes widened, and she searched for the rest of her things. Sam found her bag and phone and went through the routine again.
As he walked over to Fraser, he took a quick note of the room. It was in a better state than the last, no broken objects, furniture in its correct place. His eyes narrowed at the orderly room, it was never this easy.
“Mister Newton, time to get up. The plane is leaving in an hour.”
Sam wasn't prepared to tell any of them it was actually leaving in three hours. He knew it would take him at least an hour to get them all moving.
Fraser's head turned and looked at the little upstart that was annoying him.
“Piss off Sam.”
Sam wanted to sigh, at least he had advanced in the world. No longer a dude, now he was Sam. It had to be a bonus.
“Can't do that Mister Newton, got to get you on your way. Big day today.”
He turned and saw the wall that he hadn't seen when he walked in. On it was a large flat screen television, or at least it used to be a television.
It was hanging off center and had a rather large crack across the screen. Beneath it on the low line cabinet were several empty bottles of alcohol, some smashed, some whole.
Sam knew there should be more. Fraser was the one that had the most demons in his life, he was the one that always trashed a room. He had anger issues, and even though Sam thought that trashing hotel rooms wasn't the answer, he couldn't blame Fraser for it.
Turning back to the man in question, Sam sighed. It looked like he'd gone back to sleep.
“I need my bag.”
Sam turned to the woman standing beside him.
“Of course darling, how forgetful of me. Here, let me help you out.”
“But he said that...”
“I know darling. He says that to all of them. Just a line to get into your pants. Off you go now.”
Sam stood at the door and watched as the woman walked to the elevator somewhat dejected. The poor thing, he hated how these jerks would feed them whatever they wanted to hear and when it was all over he was the one that had to give them the hard reality.
“Musicians.” He sighed wearily.
Closing the door, he returned to Fraser.
“Mister Newton, we are on a time schedule. If you cannot get up and ready for the day ahead, then I will have to help you, and we both know that neither of us wants that.”
Sam waited and wondered if he had to bribe Fraser with something like he had with Curtis.
“Would you like a Bloody Mary for the flight?”
“Several.” Fraser groaned, lifting his body from the bed.
“Well alright then.” Sam smiled and watched Fraser walk into the bathroom.
Fraser was wearing a pair of shorts, not enough in Sam's opinion but it was better than being naked. He rolled his eyes as Fraser scratched his ass and slammed the door shut.
“Lovely.” He whispered. “You'll make some poor woman so happy one day.”
With yet another heavy sigh Sam was out in the corridor again. He eyed off the remain three doors and picked Austin next.
Austin Gibson was the singer, a quiet soul that also happened to be Curtis's cousin. They didn't really look all that much alike, Sam noted that they both had similarly shaded eyes, but that was where the similarities stopped. Austin had black hair that sat longer than any of the other band members. Built and full of muscles like the others, he was tall and broad.
Sam knocked on the door.
“Mister Gibson.”
Seconds later the door opened to Sam's surprise.
Austin was awake and alert which was somewhat peculiar.
“Time to get ready, we are leaving in an hour.”
“Kinda busy at the moment Sam, come back in half an hour.”
Sam heard a giggle or two, noting that there had to be at least two females in there and they were awake as well.
“I can't do that Mister Gibson, we have a schedule to keep. If you need assistance in dealing with your guests while you ready for our departure, then I'd be happy to help.”
“I'm sure you would,” Austin said with a wry smile. “But you know, if you can't bag your own groupies then you can't encroach on another man's. You understand that, right?”
“I can assure you that what you have in there is not what I want. I have a girlfriend, and I am happy to remain faithful to her.”
Austin narrowed his eyes with a smirk of disbelief. He'd seen Sam watching the women, he'd seen him disappear behind closed doors with them.
“Well then mister faithful, be my guest.”
He pushed open the door and let Sam walk into the love pit as he had dubbed it. Sam wasn't shocked, he'd worked for a few musicians in his time and seeing two women on a bed in the middle of a sex act was nothing new.
“Ladies, time to stop the show and get dressed.”
They shrieked, one of them fell off the bed as the other pulled a sheet up over her body.
“Mister Gibson, please get ready for our departure.”
“No way, I want to watch the eviction. So much pretty ass running around and you trying to pretend that you're a good boy.”
Sam huffed and picked up one of their bags, doing the routine search.
“Getting dressed ladies.” He muttered without looking up.
With the bags and cells checked, Sam waited patiently as the t
wo women collected their things.
“Have a super day, darlings.” Sam waved them off as they walked to the elevator.
“You're a buzzkill, you know that.”
Sam turned to Austin who was leaning on the wall, his arms folded over the rigid lines of his torso.
“As if you won't have two more in your bed tonight.”
Austin grinned, contemplating the night ahead as he pushed Sam out the door.
“Yeah, I will and don't think I didn't notice the woman leaving your room this morning.”
The door slammed shut in his face, and he wondered if Austin had gone to bed at all. For him to notice that it meant that he's been up and walking around for at least an hour now. At least the flight to Heathrow will allow them to find a bit of sleep.
Sam had a choice of two rooms and multiple possibilities. The last two that were left were the two guitarists. Like peas in a pod, they were rarely apart and often partied long after the others had returned to their rooms.
They could be in their own rooms, or they could be in one. He picked the one closest, Evan Cooper.
“Mister Cooper,” Sam said as he knocked on the door.
There was no answer which wasn't surprising. Sam knew there was no point in waiting but did so because it was part of his protocols when dealing with them. The only time he could enter without prior warning was if he thought they were in danger.
He knocked on the door again, turning to see one of the security personnel approach. Dominic tipped his head at Sam and waited in case he was needed.
Sam knocked again. “Mister Cooper.”
“How many so far?”
“Three out of the five, doing good this morning. Touch wood.”
Dominic laughed as he leaned on the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. The man mirrored Fraser in stature which was necessary. Sam had seen the need for Dominic to bring him down and subdue him.
“Alright, coming in Mister Cooper.”
Sam put the spare card through the reader and pushed the door open, flashing his torch around the darkened room.
“Go away.” Evan groaned.
“I can't, turning on the light now.”
He turned on the light and saw Evan with the pillow on his head, hiding his face from the light. Surprisingly there was only one woman on the bed with him. Sam went through the routine yet again, feeling like a broken record.